We use JIRA Software not only to manage our software projects, but also as part of our class sales process. To help capture leads, we had a form on our website that collected potential student information into a Google Sheet, which we then transcribed into JIRA items. This was fine at first, but as the […]
Archive | Helpful Articles
JIRA Enhanced Productivity – Filters, Agile Boards, and Dashboards

Transcript of talk given February 2016 that is published on YouTube: Introduction: Today we have Michael McNeil from Oasis Digital. They got their start as a development shop who… began to teach people how to use JIRA to do good project management within application development. That led to them being involved as a JIRA Expert […]
Agile and Atlassian

Expium is deeply experienced working with JIRA in a variety environments. Our customers run the whole gamut, from pure software dev shops to government agencies simply using it as a project management tool. Because we see such a broad spectrum of implementations we are able to see some trends forming early on. In this article I […]
Will Atlassian Be Recognizable in 2016?

As the largest purveyor of JIRA classes outside of Atlassian, we are as keen as anyone on their plans for the future after the round of press releases and articles related to JIRA, Atlassian’s value, and a possible IPO. The news and reporting around Atlassian of late has been pretty intense, confusing, and possibly alarming. […]
Building JIRA Projects From the Bottom Up

A common mistake new JIRA users fall into is viewing the JIRA structure from a top down perspective only. This perspective wants to start with Projects and Workflows and work down to Issue Types. However, starting with Issue Types and building up provides a much more robust and flexible framework and will likely eliminate any […]
Filters are the “Language” of JIRA

Often I describe JIRA as a large set of Legos in a bucket. JIRA is one of those tools that is so flexible it is hard to get your head around how to use it. The Lego analogy works on many levels. Using the predefined project types, JIRA Agile, JIRA Service Desk, etc is like […]
JIRA Customization

Technology platforms mature and improve over time. The Atlassian ecosystem is no exception. One area where Atlassian has matured dramatically is in supporting customizations. In the past customizations were a real “wild west” edit the database and file system approach. Today we have flexibility in configuration and a strong API. Often people have a hard […]
Why We Teach Workshops

At Oasis Digital, Expium’s sister company, our core business is to build custom software that helps our customers thrive. Everyone that works at Oasis Digital solves challenging technical problems every day. Our team creates solutions for complex customer needs, and is constantly improving our technology stack to do this more effectively. Similarly, at Expium we […]
User Adoption = Success

System Administrators often find themselves caught trying to fulfill the promises and hype that come with a new system purchase. As ERP companies learned the hard way over the last twenty years, a system is only as good as its user adoption. Metrics cannot flow to management without individual users, on a consistent basis, doing […]
Iterative Thinking is a Lifestyle

A student in a recent JIRA Boot Camp commented on how I described agile processes differently than a consultant her company had brought in. She noted that what I described seemed to make more sense. This got me thinking about those differences, why our approaches were different, and why it should matter. I read a […]