Service Desk is now an application on its own and no longer an add-on to JIRA.
Archive by Author
Is there a way for me to pull at report as to who logged their work on a particular Jira item?
Yes, you can used advanced filters (JQL) to look at a particular work item. I would specifically look at “worklogAuthor”, “worklogComment”, and “worklogDate” to get the information you need.
Can I get back to an older version of a workflow after it has been changed?
There are two ways to get back to an old version of your workflow. You can open up a backup if you saved one, it should be in your inactive workflows. You can also restore a workflow from a backup. We teach our students to “version” their workflows as a management mechanism as well(1.0, 1.1, […]
Why We Teach Workshops

At Oasis Digital, Expium’s sister company, our core business is to build custom software that helps our customers thrive. Everyone that works at Oasis Digital solves challenging technical problems every day. Our team creates solutions for complex customer needs, and is constantly improving our technology stack to do this more effectively. Similarly, at Expium we […]
How can I limit the creation of extra fields for custom issue types, but still get what I need?
Our basic rule of thumb is to use a single field for a single purpose within a single project. Many people get themselves in trouble trying to use the same field for multiple purposes in a project. Keep it simple without inventing a new field for every issue type in every project.
What is the difference between a screen scheme and an issue type screen scheme?
We would prefer Atlassian rename “screen schemes” to screen configuration. Screen schemes allow you to assign screens to issue operations, specifically Open, Create, Edit, and View. Issue type screen schemes allow you to map particular screen schemes to a specific issue type, much like you do with other schemes. The screen scheme can be the […]
How do I schedule my team and track their time on projects on a task level?
At a very basic level you can organize your work into sprints and use the sprint planning features of JIRA Agile. You can also set due dates, use a calendar gadget on a dashboard, agile boards and some filters to create a pretty robust system. The features are readily available to execute task level management […]
How do I remove certain statuses from an agile board?
If you go into the configuration menu of your agile board(you must be the owner), and click on the columns menu item on the left, you can remove statuses from the board. Simply drag the status from the column it is in to the “unmapped status” section on the left.
when I setup a board and I do not want my engineers to see certain issue types, how to I hide those?
The most common method is to set up issue security. Here is a link to good documentation of this feature from Atlassian.
How do we set up templates for repetitive issues?
Dividing your work by issue type, not just individual issues will help solve this problem. You can have a create screen specifically for these repetitive issues and speed their entry into the system. Assign that screen to the create issue operation in the screen scheme for the project.