How to Add Labels to Issues

On occasion OD may require Issues to be sorted by labels of various types, whether for customer billing or internal processes.

  • In JIRA, select the appropriate Project.
  • From the menu on the left, select Issues. If needed you can filter the Issues to get a subset, or select All Issues.  This will take you to a list of all the Project Issues, with the most recent issues near the top.
  • For each issue which shows a creation date within the last week (or since the last time someone performed this duty), you will need to add a label.
  • Click on an issue to display its detail page. Under Details you will see that for Labels it says None. If you place your cursor over the word None, you will be able to select the pencil symbol to edit that field.
  • Use pull down arrow to select the correct label. Click on the checkmark to end editing.
  • Navigate back to Issue list and select the next issue to label.

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